Hold on for Dear Life

God's Wisdom is to be held tightly because "she is your life" (Prov 4:13). Written to the Solomon's son, Wisdom is personified as a woman he should embrace: "She will bring you honor, when you embrace her" (Prov 4:8). Consider practical life lessons this great book calls us to embrace as if our life depends on it—because it does.

Sermon Passage Speaker Date
Knowing God's Will Proverbs 4:10-14 Richard Hamlin 8/18/19 PM
It Really Is Life or Death Proverbs 18:21 Richard Hamlin 8/25/19 PM
Walking in Peace and Safety Proverbs 3:21-23 Richard Hamlin 9/1/19 PM
Winning Souls Proverbs 11:30 Richard Hamlin 9/8/19 PM
A Sound Heart Proverbs 14:30 Richard Hamlin 9/15/19 PM